Saturday 18 September 2021

Topic6: Workplace Simulation - Individual Act 10

 The risk of unemployment

There is no doubt that unemployment is one of the most serious global risks. Some people point out that the current global unemployment rate is very low and we do not have to worry about it, whereas others disagree. From my personal view, I strongly agree that we should look for solutions for unemployment because it could be harmful to our society for the following reasons.

The first and most important reason is that unemployment has great costs to a society in financial. To be more specific, the high unemployment rate means there are more unemployed individuals who lose their income. The governments have to spend more money to help these unemployed individuals to survive. To further support this statement, a study conducted by Statista indicates the global unemployment rate has increased from 5.37% to 6.47% from 2019 to 2020.

In addition to the above, unemployed individuals also have to face challenges to their physical and mental health. To be more specific, those people who lose income will not have money to seek for medical help when they are sick, and they will be more stressful and frustrated than others. To be further support this point, the research established by the University of PYP shows the global crime rate has been increasing from 2019 to 2020.

In conclusion, the risk of unemployment is critical. The policy makers and large organizations should take more responsibilities for solving this issue.

Saturday 28 August 2021

Interview Skills_Day 1_DISCUSSION FORUM Activity 3 – Job Interview


Interview Skills_Day 1_DISCUSSION FORUM Activity 3 – Job Interview

Self-reflect on TED video - How to speak so that people want to listen. The presentation is given by Julian Treasure. 

This presentation is about how to make people listen when you speak. At the first, the speaker asks audiences to avoid seven things, which he calls them as seven deadly sins when you speak to others. These include gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism, which he believes that would drive people away from you when you speak to them.

On the other hand, he recommends four things that would encourage people listen to you, which he summarizes them as one word 'HAIL'. The word represents Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, and Love, which he emphasises these are the keys to build trust, and make you become more reliable and persuasive.

In the end, the speak invites all the audiences to stand out and do warm-ups through relaxing muscle on arms and mouth. It looks funny, but it is very useful to make people calm down and become more confident before speak to others.

Saturday 3 July 2021

My transferrable skills_PYP

 Through studying at university and working at previous companies, I have developed teamwork, communication skills and dependability. These transferrable skills are beneficial at workplace. The importance of these skills are presented as follows.

Frist, an effective teamwork skill is one of most important abilities preferred at workplace because most of the projects can not be completed by individuals and require a cooperation with other team members. To be more specific, you can improve working efficiency when you learn how to share the workload with your team members. To further support this point, a famous quote presents "Behind every genius is a team", which emphasises the importance of teamwork.

Second, an excellent communication is also an important skills to gain at workplace because it can build a strong relationship between you and your colleagues. According to recent research provided by University of New South Wales, 85% of people agree that they prefer to work with someone who is good at communicating and they feel more safe and comfortable to work together. 

In addition to the above, dependability is also a very essential transferrable skill at workplace. It highlights you punctuality, organization skill and responsibility, which are strengths and advantages that preferred by employers. To be more specific, dependability can build trust between you and your supervisors and team leaders so that they will be confident to assign you tasks. To further support this opinion, according to the survey done by the career adviser centre in University of Melbourne, 90% of employers would prefer their employees have a strong dependability skill.

In conclusion, effective transferrable skills including teamwork, communication and dependability will be the key to be successful at workplace. I strongly believe that we should spend more time on developing these skills.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Week 3 WPS Topic 3 Activity 1

Company: McDonald's

1.       How does the company create awareness of its product?

McDonald's uses both online and offline promotional strategies to create awareness of its product. First, the online promotional strategies include adopting digital and social media marketing let more people learn McDonald's products. For example, McDonald's posts news on facebook, and Instagram. Second, the offline promotional strategies include opening more branches as wherever people go, they will be able to find one or more McDonald's restaurants.

2.       How does the company get consumers to try its product?

McDonald's illustrates food images on their menu to attract people and stimulate their appetites. McDonald's also promote deals if people buy more products for example McDonald's discount vouchers will be given to customer on their phone and they will obtain 20 percent discount if they spend over 20 dollars or 30 dollars. Furthermore, McDonald's also cooperate with cartoon companies through inputting ideas of cartoon characters into their products to attract children and young people.

3.       How does the company give information about the product to its customer?

McDonald's gives information about the product to its customers through posting news on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, it also advertises on TV and public areas to let more people learn its products. McDonald's cooperate with cartoon companies by playing cartoons and let more children watch and they will be more likely to visit McDonald's restaurants. Customers can also access to its website to find out product information directly and they will be easily to find a local restaurant close to their living areas.

4.       How does the company retain loyal customers?

McDonald's retain loyal customers through maintaining high quality of its products, for example, McDonald's Australia uses 100% Australian beef. McDonald's also maintain good and comfortable restaurant conditions to encourage people spending more time in restaurants, for instance, McDonald's provides children playgrounds in store.

5.       How does the company entice the customer to buy more and use their product frequently?

McDonald's promote deals weekly on its mobile app where customers can receive discounts. McDonald's also designs lottery games to encourage people buying its product frequently and collecting lottery tickets for millions of dollars' prize. For example, one of the most famous lottery game McDonald's Monopoly.

6.       What promotions does the company use to identify more customers?

McDonald's promotions include discount vouchers, souvenirs such as glass with McDonald's logo and toys, buy 5 coffee and get one for free.

Saturday 29 May 2021

PYP-Topic 2 - Individual task 15A - Harmony Day

What is Harmony Day?
Harmony Day is on 21 March in Australia. It started in 1999. It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and welcome migrants to join our community. Harmony day is about respecting each other and sense of belonging for all Australians who come from all backgrounds and culture.

What is the "message “of Harmony Day?
The message of Harmony Day is 'everyone belongs'. On the day, people are engaged to participate in their community, respecting different culture and religious and build a stronger sense of belonging.

What is the official colour for the day?
The official colour for the day is orange.

What does the colour stand for/why was this colour chosen?
Orange stands for social communication and meaningful conversations. The chosen colour represents freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect, it is a symbol for supporting cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia.

What other important International day shares the day with Harmony Day? What connection do these days have with each other?
United Nations International Day.
The United Nations International Day is for elimination of racial and discrimination, while the Harmony Day is for respecting people from different background and culture. They are both to encourage Australian to create and maintain a peaceful community.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Week 3 - Task 19 Cost Benefit Analysis of Safety Aspects

In this day and age, some people think that implementing safety norms or following safety rules is expensive and not economical, but it is actually economic to follow safety norms and implementing them according to recent study. There are many advantages of conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis. Frist, it is data-driven which is more scientific and logical and it can avoid personal biases. Second, it can simplify the process of decision making since business decisions are more complex by nature and the cost-benefit analysis can make it more straight forward by comparing the cost spending. Last, it can also uncover hidden costs and benefits which can maximize the profit.

Although cost-benefit analysis is very beneficial, there are still limitations of it. First, it is difficult to predict all variables. If analyst does not predict all the factors, the outcome can be affected. Also, if the incomplete or inaccurate data are applied in the cost-benefit analysis, the result will also be inaccurate or incomplete. Furthermore, the cost-benefit analysis also removes the human element, it could be difficult to reconcile moral or ‘human’ perspectives with business case since there are non-monetary reasons an organization might decide to process a project or decision which could affect the result of the analysis.

From a personal point of view, the cost benefit analysis is more beneficial to be carried out in organisations which are mainly doing short and mid-length projects. The cost benefit analysis has greater potential of missing the mark for those projects have longer timeframes. It is because that making accurate predictions for long term project is normally more complex, and the long-term forecasts will be inaccurately account for variables such as inflation, which could result in an inaccurate analysis. Therefore, cost benefit analysis is not suit for every organisation, it is suitable for organisations with short and mid-length projects.