Saturday 29 May 2021

PYP-Topic 2 - Individual task 15A - Harmony Day

What is Harmony Day?
Harmony Day is on 21 March in Australia. It started in 1999. It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and welcome migrants to join our community. Harmony day is about respecting each other and sense of belonging for all Australians who come from all backgrounds and culture.

What is the "message “of Harmony Day?
The message of Harmony Day is 'everyone belongs'. On the day, people are engaged to participate in their community, respecting different culture and religious and build a stronger sense of belonging.

What is the official colour for the day?
The official colour for the day is orange.

What does the colour stand for/why was this colour chosen?
Orange stands for social communication and meaningful conversations. The chosen colour represents freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect, it is a symbol for supporting cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia.

What other important International day shares the day with Harmony Day? What connection do these days have with each other?
United Nations International Day.
The United Nations International Day is for elimination of racial and discrimination, while the Harmony Day is for respecting people from different background and culture. They are both to encourage Australian to create and maintain a peaceful community.

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