Saturday 28 August 2021

Interview Skills_Day 1_DISCUSSION FORUM Activity 3 – Job Interview


Interview Skills_Day 1_DISCUSSION FORUM Activity 3 – Job Interview

Self-reflect on TED video - How to speak so that people want to listen. The presentation is given by Julian Treasure. 

This presentation is about how to make people listen when you speak. At the first, the speaker asks audiences to avoid seven things, which he calls them as seven deadly sins when you speak to others. These include gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism, which he believes that would drive people away from you when you speak to them.

On the other hand, he recommends four things that would encourage people listen to you, which he summarizes them as one word 'HAIL'. The word represents Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, and Love, which he emphasises these are the keys to build trust, and make you become more reliable and persuasive.

In the end, the speak invites all the audiences to stand out and do warm-ups through relaxing muscle on arms and mouth. It looks funny, but it is very useful to make people calm down and become more confident before speak to others.

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